New Course Release – Tax Evasion: Failure to Prevent

VinciWorks releases new e-learning course on tax evasion

Does your organisation have “reasonable procedures” in place for preventing the facilitation of tax evasion?

The Criminal Finances Act, passed by Parliament on 27th April 2017, creates a new corporate criminal offence for failing to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion. This places the responsibility on businesses to have “reasonable procedures” in place to ensure none of their employees or contractors are involved in helping someone evade their taxes anywhere in the world. Training on tax evasion is a requirement of the new Criminal Finances Act.

About the course

VinciWorks’ new course on tax evasion will give users an understanding of what “reasonable procedures” are and how to ensure your organisation can ensure compliance with the Criminal Finances Act. Users will also learn the difference between the terms “tax evasion”, “tax avoidance” and “tax mitigation” through interactive quizzes, relevant scenarios and case studies. The course also addresses the challenge of offshore tax jurisdictions and gives guidance on how to spot red flags. Organisations can create personalised guidance for their staff, with information about the what to do and who to contact when there is a concern of tax evasion from a client.

There are two versions of the course available, one 45 minute course for high-risk staff and a 15 minute course for all other staff. You can demo both courses below. 

Demo the 15 minute version

Demo the 45 minute version

Tax Evasion: Failure to Prevent course screenshot
VinciWorks’ new course on tax evasion contains interactive quizzes to help users review the topics covered in the course

Course outcomes:

  • The relationship between tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax mitigation
  • The social and economic effects of failing to prevent tax evasion
  • Understand what is meant by “reasonable procedures”
  • The penalties for committing an offence under the Criminal Finances Act
  • Red flags for spotting facilitation of tax evasion
  • Practical advice and personalised guidance to prevent facilitation of tax evasion
  • Interactive quizzes to review knowledge learnt

This new course on tax evasion can be fully customised to be relevant to your organisation, the industry and each department within the organisation.