VinciWorks hosts first risk summit

VinciWorks Risk Summit
General Counsel and Heads of Risk attended VinciWorks’ first risk summit

On 12th September more than 30 senior counsel and heads of risk gathered to discuss the risk horizon at VinciWorks’ first risk summit in the Soho Hotel.

Delegates from international law firms, accountancy firms and corporates shared their insights into the issues that they hope will grab their board’s attention as they plan their risk management strategies. The event was chaired by VinciWorks CEO Howard Finger.

Data protection and the implementation of GDPR next spring is foremost on everyone’s agenda. Data protection specialist Arye Schreiber reinforced the message that policies for managing data need to be board driven and that this is not just a legislative requirement but a pragmatic recommendation to ensure that the data protection policy is a commercial imperative and not merely a tick-box compliance issue.

This idea was further highlighted by Julia Graham of Airmic who suggested that cyber security risks are intrinsically linked with data protection policies and boards need to have a multi-tiered approach to managing both risks. Julia recommended establishing a board committee to focus on cyber risk management in order to ensure that the issue receives proper attention from busy boards. Julia also encouraged collaboration and shared examples of Airmic members approaches to dealing with risk management.

Further collaboration and insight came from VinciWorks’ clients Global Legal Counsel of Grant Thornton International, Dan Lichtenstein and Head of Operational Risk at Peninsula Petroleum Gavin Lewis.

Details of further events can be found by visiting VinciWorks’ events page.