Study: tackle sexual harassment by focusing on outcomes, not process

#MeToo campaign
The #MeToo campaign helped raise awareness of the alarming number of people that have been sexually harassed in the workplace

How do you ensure all your staff feel comfortable in their workplace, without being spoken to, touched, or treated inappropriately by their colleagues or managers?

At the end of 2017, the people behind the #MeToo movement were named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year 2017. What started as a drip of revelations and flushing out of open secrets in the media and entertainment industries became a flood at the end of the year, with once powerful men across nations and industries being exposed for the sexual predators, abusers and bullies they are.

Study shows sexual harassment can only be tackled by focussing on outcomes

To help carry out the study, VinciWorks created a sexual harassment assessment. Here are some of the findings from the study:

  • 5.5% of respondents had been threatened with negative consequences for failing to acquiesce to unwanted contact
  • 10% had been shown sexually explicit or inappropriate content at work
  • A third had received physical contact at work that had made them feel uncomfortable
  • 50% didn’t think their organisation would deal with a report of sexual harassment very seriously

Download study on tackling sexual harassment at work

The study includes helpful guidance on how to avoid sexual harassment in the workplace and ensure it is entirely removed from the workplace culture.

Download study

Free sexual harassment policy template

VinciWorks’ sexual harassment survey showed that over half of respondents weren’t sure their organisation had a sexual harassment policy in place, let alone an up-to-date one. Our free template can easily be edited to match your organisation’s procedures and include any relevant contact details. The sexual harassment policy template can be downloaded here.