Keeping compliance training up to date

So you’ve researched the market, decided on the provider for your compliance eLearning and put your employees through the courses. Job done, right?

Well, not exactly. Getting your staff trained initially on key compliance topics is only the start. How do you keep your employees up to date with latest legislation? How do you safeguard against your employees forgetting vital information or complacency creeping back into their working practices?

Of course, you can ask your employees to complete the training annually; but if the learning materials are the same each year will they be as effective as a new learning experience?

Selecting the right compliance eLearning partner is vital if your long term strategy is to be effective.

So, what should the right compliance eLearning partner offer?

Up to date materials

Keeping materials up to date legislatively and with best practice is the absolute minimum you should expect from a compliance eLearning partner.

But beware: even if content is current at the time of purchase, you could find yourself with out of date – and therefore worthless – materials if legislation changes.

Avoid this happening to you by ensuring your chosen compliance training partner also regularly updates training materials as part of their service.

Fresh look and feel

In the early days of eLearning, the experience was not too different from reading a book. The thought of thirty-plus pages of ‘click next to continue’ is still enough to bring some veteran learners out in a cold sweat.

With today’s technology, there’s no reason this should be the case. The same engaging experiences learners are accustomed to from browsing the web and using mobile apps are now available from eLearning.

If your chosen compliance training provider’s materials look dated and aren’t compatible with all devices, then you could be missing an opportunity to make a real difference to your organisation.

Alternative versions of courses

Every learner is different, and while some may require intensive training covering an entire topic, an overview of specific areas will suffice for others.

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to getting the level of detail right in a course, so your training provider should offer the flexibility to cover just the areas learners need, and no unnecessary filler.

That’s exactly what our immersive courses do, providing interactive scenarios to test learners’ knowledge in key areas, linked to more in depth training should learners need it, and new versions are coming at the start of 2016.

Keeping things current within the training cycle

A lot can happen in the recommended compliance training cycle of twelve months, including legislative changes and incidents which need a response.

Learners can’t be expected to complete full courses in between their annual compliance training, so think about how you’ll respond if they do need a top up.

Our ‘coffee time’ eLearning modules are short, self-contained training nuggets which complement our full courses, perfect for when learners need a refresher in a specific area without taking the entire course.

Your compliance eLearning partner

Looking for a library of compliance training material that is always fresh, always engaging, and always kept up to date?