Omnitrack version 2.82.0

Additional reports features

Dynamic Placeholders in text widgets

Create personalized reports effortlessly by adding dynamic submission data to your text widgets, automating the inclusion of client-specific information in your reports. Say goodbye to manual editing and hello to streamlined report personalization. Use this feature in your text widgets by putting brackets around a field name as seen below.

Reports list upgrades
We’re excited to introduce two new enhancements to our reports grid! Firstly, we’ve added the “Form Title” column, providing users with clear visibility on which form each report is associated with. Additionally, we’ve implemented the much-requested feature of persisting sorting and filtering on the reports grid, ensuring that your preferred sorting and filtering options are maintained even when navigating away from the grid.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where bar charts were not displaying aggregated data correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where some users were receiving an “access denied” message when they should have access to a form.
  • Fixed an issue where status fields were displaying IDs instead of field name